The links and information listed here are things Craig Wright has said or written in an attempt to convince people he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. I pulled a list of forgeries, fakes, plagiarism and lies and copied and pasted from
Note:This page was originally mirrored from Cult of Craig - Github, now defunct.
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Due to reasons that shall remain undisclosed, the original website was taken down by the original author.
However, we have taken custody of the site from him for the good of the communityand have relocated all of its content, word-for-word, here on Privacy Pros.
Please enjoy andget informed- Faketoshi must be stopped!
This anthology was built by the Autonomous A.I. that Craig S. Wright did not work on, and was created to provide an index for all of the claims made by Craig S. Wright. All information has been provided voluntarily by members of the Bitcoin community. You are free to draw your own conclusions.
Forgeries, Fakes, and Plagiarism
WikiLeaks has consistently helped check the validity of Craig S. Wrights claims. Link to Cult of Craig Githubhere.
Craig Wright edited old blog posts to link himself to the Bitcoin whitepaper
Charlie Lee(Litecoin inventor): I can’t believe some people still think he’s Satoshi.
Vitalik Buterin(Ethereum inventor) writes 59 tweets about Craig Wright’s talk: Craig Wright is crazy and he stands up at conference and calls Craig Wright a fraud.
Amaury Sechet(Bitcoin ABC lead developer) and Vitalik Buterin refute Craig Wright’s negative gamma comment.
Krawiszsuggests that Craig Wright is over the top to specifically attract a non-technical following. See also Microsoft research paper on Nigerian Prince scam emails.
Craig Wright claims secp256k1 can do pairing .Andy Polestra(Director of Research at Blockstream) refutes andVitalik Buterin(Ethereum inventor) refutes , refutes more , and re-refutes.
Craig Wright emails Roger Ver, “welcome to bankruptcy … you are my enemy. You have fucking no idea what that means. You will.” Result: Roger Ver is not bankrupt.
Craig Wright claimed to be a lawyer specializing in Finance Law, posting a picture of his degree dated 1 year before Satoshi stated he was not a lawyer. Craig got his law degree in 2008. In 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto said that he was not a lawyer.
Craig Wright: Anonymity is the shield of cowards. My life is open and I have little care for my privacy. (2008)
Craig Wright: Bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency. At no point have I said that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Satoshi: Maybe [cryptocurrency] is a word we should use when describing Bitcoin. Announcing version 0.3 of Bitcoin, the P2P cryptocurrency!
Craig Wright falsely states he doesn’t want fame or money
Craig Wright claims Julian Assange is a rapist. Assange wasn’t charged. Stockholm’s Chief Prosecutor closed the rape case due to no offense being disclosed. Victim said, “it was the police who made up the charges”.
Craig Wright claimed to have “a couple doctorates” in 2015 and on his LinkedIn. Neither were produced in his wheelbarrow of degrees stunt. Doctor of Theology: Nobody can find it. Supposed University denied it. PhD: University denied it. Finally was rewarded one in 2017. It has math errors.
Craig Wright lost a bet with Peter Rizun. He refuses to pay and tried to lie his way out of it.
Craig Wright: Turing never said that things had to be infinite. He never once in his life mentioned that. Alan Turing: we say that the machine has infinite memory capacity.
Craig lies about registering the domain
On April 12th, 2019 Craig S. Wrightwrote a Medium articlewhere he claimed to have paid for the domain with a credit card with an attached screenshot of the receipt.
In that article, Craig wrote, “This is the source of Vistomail and the registration of the domain” He then shows this screenshot.
He continues, “What you don’t realise yet is that I used my credit card. Yes, as crazy as it might seem to you, I used my credit card to purchase anonymous services.”
Unfortunately for Craig, It was quickly discovered thatanyone could purchase these services on existing domains.
Craig S. Wright claims to have sent an email to Dave Kleiman on 12, March 2008. He claims to have used an email from a domain that was not registered until January 23, 2009.
Craig botches the BTC genesis block date
Satoshi Nakamoto announces the v0.1 release of Bitcoin six days after the genesis block is mined.
Craig S. Wright creates a document dated January 10, 2009 stating the Bitcoin beta will go live January 11, 2009. That is 8 days after the genesis block was mined, in case you are as bad at math as Craig S. Wright.
Craig cught lying about his wallets
This one is important. It is Craig S. Wright being caught lying about hisBitcoin wallets.
Notable Appearances
In the video bellow, at 23:25,Craig Wright does not appear to know what signed/unsigned integers are.
Craig Wright claims to be working on AI and evolutionary code (obviously never happened)
Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre offered $5,000 USD to doxx someone
Who is Craig Wright?
Craig Wright is an Australian computer scientist and businessman who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin.
Is Craig Wright the real Satoshi?
According to his sayings, yes he is. According to much of the media and thecryptocurrencycommunity, no he is not, and this is backed by all kind of proofs.
Does Satoshi Nakamoto own Bitcoin?
Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, mined 1.1 million Bitcoin, in the first seven months of Bitcoin’s existence. This amount of Bitcoin worths about $10 billion, but it’s untouched to this day.
What is Bitcoin whitepaper?
Bitcoin whitepaper is a groundbreaking work published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system and it was published in 2008.
What is Blockchain technology?
‘Blockchain’ comes from the ‘blocks’, which are individual records, that are linked in a single list, called ‘chain’. So, blockchain is digital record of transactions with cryptocurrencies.