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SecuX W10 Review

SecuX W10 Review

July 11, 2021 6 min read

You want to use the SecuX W10 hardware wallet, but you aren’t sure how or where to start. We’ve got you covered.

In this post we are going to cover:

  • How it compares to Ledger and Trezor's Offerings
  • What the SecuX W10 box contains
  • Security features of the SecuX W10
  • Companion Software

By the time you are done, you'll know all about SecuX W10.

SecuX V20 Review

July 02, 2021 8 min read

You want to use the SecuX V20 hardware wallet, but you aren’t sure how or where to start. We’ve got you covered.

In this post we are going to cover:

  • How it compares to Ledger and Trezor's Offerings
  • What the SecuX V20 box contains
  • Security features of the SecuX V20
  • Companion Software

By the time you are done, you'll know all about SecuX V20.
